Building an AI Search Feature With OpenAI Embeddings & Postgres Vectors

My website visitors can quickly search across all my blogs and YouTube videos using a “smart search” functionality that I built using OpenAI’s Embeddings API and a Postgres DB.

It took me less than one week and cost me about 1 cent to take the feature from prototype to production.

In this blog post, I will provide a comprehensive guide on how you can build something similar to help your audience discover your content across all formats (blogs, videos, podcasts, etc).

Let’s get started.

General System Architecture

If you are looking for a very quick overview, I hope the system design diagrams for both my Blog and YouTube pipeline will be helpful.

In this blog post, I will elaborate on every component. If you think that will be helpful, keep reading.

User Problem — Why Build the Feature?

I have come across countless comments on both my Medium blog and YouTube channel, where people want to know if I have any tutorial about a certain topic — say “Kafka”.

Of course, they can browse through the list of videos on YouTube or Medium, but it’s extremely time-consuming to do that.

It doesn’t make it any easier when I have around 120 blog posts and 90 videos. It’s not reasonable to expect people to parse through them — it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

To solve that, my goal was to create a simple search functionality, where the user can input a few keywords, and my backend should return to them a list of relevant blog posts and YouTube videos.

From there, they can either consume them immediately or bookmark them for later on.

That’s the motivation, and now let’s look at my implementation.

Blogs Pipeline — w/ Embeddings

I hope the word “embeddings” doesn’t keep you from reading more. I will explain the term very shortly.

Before that, let’s look at what data I am storing for every blog post.

For our reference, here’s the system diagram of my blog pipeline.

Let’s break it down.

If you remember my last blog post where I talked about my website architecture, I am storing all my blog content in Markdown files.

The first step is to store certain metadata about these posts in a Postgres database:




    Embedding Vector (more on this later)

With this information, I can quickly pull relevant blog post links to show on the UI.

One thing to note: I am not storing the full content of my Markdown file. It’s not required.

Why don’t I need it? That’s where embeddings come in. Let’s talk about it.

According to OpenAI’s documentation: An embedding is a vector (list) of floating point numbers.

I can feed my blog’s content to OpenAI’s /v1/embeddings endpoint, and it will give back a vector (list of gibberish numbers).

It looks something like this:

"embedding": [
        .... (1536 floats total for ada-002)

Input: "my full blog content" Output: A list of numbers (or a vector)

Once I get the vector, I store it in my Postgres Database with the other metadata (title, URL, thumbnail, date, etc).

The same process is followed for all my blog posts:

    Read Markdown File

    Store Metadata in Postgres DB

    Generate Embeddings from blog content through OpenAI’s Embeddings API

    Store generated vector with other metadata

That’s the hard part done…Whew.

Now, the easy part.

Let’s say a user wants to see all my blog posts related to “Kafka”.

To find all blog posts that talk about “Kafka”, I will do the following:

    Use OpenAI’s API to generate Embeddings for the user query (in this case, Kafka)

    Do some DB query magic (more on this later) to compare the above Embedding, with all embeddings across my blog posts (Remember: it’s stored in Postgres).

    Product an ordered list of relevant blog posts (from most to least relevant).

Let’s break these steps down.

The first step is simple. We make an API call to OpenAI. Something like:

curl   -d '{
    "input": "Kafka",
    "model": "text-embedding-ada-002",
    "encoding_format": "float"

And OpenAI gives back, something like this:

  "embedding": [
       .... (1536 floats total for ada-002)

Now, the second part starts.

I take the above embedding from OpenAI and compare it against the embeddings of all my blog posts. Here’s what the query looks like:

SELECT title, url, (1 - (blog_embedding <=> %s)) AS scores, category, thumbnail  FROM content ORDER BY scores DESC LIMIT 10;

In short, this query returns a sorted list of all blog posts that talk about “Kafka”.

What is this magic — (blog_embedding <=> %s) — I hear you ask!

Referring to OpenAI’s documentation again: The distance between two vectors measures their relatedness. Small distances suggest high relatedness and large distances suggest low relatedness.

The above SQL query essentially computes the distance and returns a sorted list of relevant content.

Here’s what the output looks like when the user searches for nginx:

            "Hosting Multiple Web Apps and APIs with Nginx Reverse Proxies",
            "I Finally Figured out Nginx Reverse Proxy",
            "How I Set Up My Private Cloud Server for Development",
            "I Bought a Cloud Server for $12/month",

Finally, the list is presented to the user. When they click on an item, they are taken to the blog’s URL where they can continue reading.

YouTube Pipeline — w/ Embeddings

Now that you understand the blog pipeline (I hope!), let’s talk about the video pipeline.

Unlike blog posts, my YouTube videos are not stored locally. So, I cannot simply read the content like I can for my Markdown files.

Enter: YouTube’s Data V3 API. Through the API, I can pull metadata for all my publicly available YouTube videos, just using my public channel ID.

Some of the metadata includes:

    Video Title

    Video Description

    Video Upload Date

    Video URL

Before diving deeper into the design, here’s the same YouTube pipeline system design, for your reference.

In the first step, we are using the YouTube API to extract all the metadata and store them in the same Postgres table (the one used for my blog posts).

After that, I take a concatenation of the video title and description and pass it to the same Embeddings API.

From there, the process is the same as the blog posts:

    Video embeddings are stored with other video metadata

    When the user has a search query, embeddings for that query is generated on the fly

    The generated embedding is compared with existing embeddings across all blogs and videos

    A sorted list of content (both blog and YouTube video) is shown to the user.

The key point: Once we have the vector embeddings of both blogs and videos, I can compare the user’s search query with all my content, without differentiating between them.

In other words, once embeddings have been generated, the SQL query does not care about the type of content. It only computes the “vector math”.

Evolving the Design

With the above implementation, the feature works great. There are still a few limitations, especially one.

There’s no threshold for “similarity scores”. Regardless of how “strong” the match is, the backend will always return a list of results. In an ideal world, it should tell the user there are no matches. Don’t worry! That feature is coming very soon.

The other room for improvement — currently, I don’t feed the video transcript to the Embeddings model. The model only generates the vector using the video title and description. In the next iteration, I will use OpenAI’s Whisper API to do the following:

    Convert video to audio

    Convert audio to a written transcript

    Feed the transcript to Embeddings API, along with the video’s title and description.

Stay tuned for that!

Closing Thoughts

If you have made it this far, I hope you found this valuable.

Here are a few ways you can do so: follow me on Medium, subscribe to my website, or follow me on YouTube.

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